26/10/09...hari first kami exam...aku exam pg..dia exam ptg...aku lupe lak..aku wish or tak gudluck kat dia..huhu..maap yea su lau aku lupe...tp yg pasti..aku ingt dia wish kat aku...syg su... mlm tu..su hntr ym kat aku...first dia bg salam then tny aku dk stdy ke.. aku prasan ade smiley sad face kat situ..tp wt bodo jek...aku pn jwb slm dia n then wt hihi...tny dia..bila dia stat xm...( pe punye kwn..xtw bile kwn stat xm..sekeh kpla sndr..)..dia tny aku...xm pe esok...aku pn jwbla...then dia pn ckp..." xpolea..ganggu mu jah "..bru aku prasan dia ada somethng nk gtw...maaf su..cz xconcern pasal smiley td....( aku brkata lam hati )...pastu dia gtw.. lau aku duk tepi dia...nk jek dia peluk aku...nk jek nangis ngan aku...cdih sgt2...aku ngan slamber badak tanye lg...nape su..??..xleh wt exam ke..???..lps dia jwb..xm ok jer...aku tny lg...miss famili kat umah ke..??..soalan demi soalan aku tny....tp jwpn sumenyer ok...perbualan kami stop g2 aje...

Tp....ms aku tny su...sbnrnyer..aku dah sebakkk...then ms aku nasihat kat dia..aku dh nangis....aku thu...aku nangis su xnmpk..korang pn xnmpk...laptop ngan katil aku jek yg tahu...aku faham knape kwn aku ( sue )ckp g2...cz dia pn thu prasaan aku...lau dia nangis..aku nangis...wlaupn kdg2 tudung dia basah dlu bru tudung aku basah....huhu...
Aku bukannyer nk crite pasal ktaorg nangis...tp nk crite...betapa eratnya ukhuwah ktaorg cz sumenyer bermula ngan permusuhan....kan..kan..su kan...thanks su...so..hargailah sahabat2 disekeliling anda...sesungguhnya kita akan memerlukannya suatu hari nanti...
Friend: Has never seen u cry.
Best friend: Always has the best shoulder to cry on.
Friend: Never ask for anything to eat @ drink.
Best friend: Open the fridge and make it herself at home.
Friend: Ask u to write down your number.
Best friend: They ask u for their number (coz they can't remember)
Friend: Borrow your stuff for a few days and then gives it back
Best friend: Has a closet full of your stuff.
Friend: Only knows a few things about u.
Best friend: Could write a biography about your life story.
Friend: Will leave u behind if that is what the crowd is doing.
Best friend: Will always go with u.
Friend: Will ask u where you've been (when they have no one)
Best friend: Will say MISS U & will be waiting for u.
Friend: Will be by your side when they have nobody
Best friend: Will be there for u even though she has the others.
Friend: Will always there when you're happy.
Best friend: Will always there no matter what (sad @ happy time)
Friend: Will let u settle all your problems alone.
Best friend: Will settle all your problems together and never leave u alone.
So I can say, I'm here for u.
Of all the friends I've ever met, you’re the one I won’t forget...
And if I die before u do, I'll go to the Heaven and wait for u…
2 idea korang amatlah dihargai..:
kenapa sebak tu ,,,,
sbb....ingt famili
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